Since I really let the beginning of September slide by (see post below), I’m revising my 30-day challenges to 2-week challenges. If you haven’t committed to any challenges yet, or if 30 days is a little intimidating for you, why don’t you join me. It’s only 2 weeks, and hey, you might just enjoy it. If you need ideas, refer to this previous post.
As August came to a close, I kept reflecting on how Labour Day weekend is so much like the beginning of a new year. Students return to school and life seems to return to routine. So what better time to set fresh challenges for yourself or to renew your commitment to previous challenges. It's like a do-over for New Year's resolutions.
For the two remaining weeks of September, I’m committing to watching one TED talk per day, finishing four new books, completing 100 squats each morning, and resuming the 100-pushup challenge.
Anyone else care to share?
Awesome awesome! Which books and which TED talks?
This month I'm focusing on stopping the compulsive checking of my phone! Also am targeting 5 sun salutations each morning, thinking more about what I can do for others, eating slowly, and doing 4 hours of Spanish learning a week.
Good luck with two week challenges! Good modification =).
Thanks for your comments. I'm going to share my books and TED talks in future posts, so stay tuned. I think your phone challenge is awesome! How's it going so far? The two-week modification is working well for me. I even started early!
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